Top Ten Songs You Won’t Believe Didn’t Win the Oscar

Every award season there is a momentous amount of time and energy dedicated to “who won”? Yet, equally as fascinating (often more), are those albums, artists, and films that don’t manage to court their industries’ accolades.

This year, as the Oscars crept up on us once again, we found ourselves collectively aghast at the nerve of the Academy. No, not for its crippling racism, but because it denied The Lego Movie a nod! Everything was not awesome…

So, in thinking about all the snubs and losers throughout American Award Show history, I’ve compiled a list of those “Best Original Song” nominees that somehow missed the top prize.

Some of these oversights are understandable, like “Circle of Life” losing to another song from The Lion King. And the some of these are “Ghostbusters”:

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